Certified Angus Beef invests in the next generation of family farmers and ranchers, meat scientists and chefs through scholarships, mentorship programs and hands-on educational opportunities.

Shattering Scholarship Records
An endowed fund honoring Certified Angus Beef founder Louis M. (Mick) Colvin, the Colvin Scholarship Fund provided a record $70,000 to 20 scholars in 2022 among three categories: production agriculture, undergraduate and graduate. The production agriculture category was added this year to support educational goals of those who want pursue a career in beef production on the farm or ranch.
Brand partners financially support the fund. Certified Angus Beef gratefully acknowledges partners’ continued efforts to uplift the next generation of food, agriculture and science.

Fresh Culinary Perspectives
By partnering with The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) and Johnson & Wales University, Certified Angus Beef introduces the best beef to aspiring chefs while they learn about skills and ingredients that will take their dreams far.
The brand connects with these future culinary leaders during their welcome week at CIA. Menu pop-ups in the school’s cafeteria continually feature the same Certified Angus Beef ® brand students use as part of their beef fabrication curriculum.
A few selected Johnson & Wales students will join Youth Beef Leaders Seminar for continued education in 2023, giving them a chance to rub elbows and cut primals with the next generation of beef producers and industry leaders.
![CIA HP 6[55]-web](https://news.certifiedangusbeef.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/CIA-HP-655-web-e1672435196485.jpg)
Youth Beef Leaders Seminar and Internships with the Brand
Each December, the brand hosts more than 20 elite students from across the beef business to join us in The Culinary Center and Meat lab for three days, bringing together young minds and voices that will be influential in the future of the industry.
The brand also hosts communications internships for students to gain experience in the studio, public relations and digital media while engaging with producer audiences each summer.

Read more stories from the 2022 Brand Update here.