Looking back at the last two years, it’s tempting to wish things would simply go back to normal. However, when I think about all this brand community has persevered through, I realize it would be a crying shame for things to return to the way they once were.
It’s not that pre-pandemic life was bad; this brand, along with our customers, enjoyed many successes. Today, the seemingly never-ending string of challenges this community continues to problem solve are also generating new wins. These unpredictable times are serving as an incubator for creative ideas, new ways of doing business and previously unseen opportunities.
In many ways, it’s been a gift to think differently. My optimism is founded not in ignoring the current obstacles many of our customers face, but in the entrepreneurial spirit to innovate I’ve witnessed and in the number of ideas I hear for building a better brand and business. It is because of passionate, driven people that we close 2021 celebrating the second-best sales year in the history of the brand.
As your businesses evolve, our brand is changing, too. The world around us might be different, but the demand for premium beef is growing and Certified Angus Beef will be here to deliver the same great product in new ways.
I’m grateful to be part of such a vibrant community of partners determined to make each year greater than the last. We will never return to what was normal, but together, we’re building something better.
– John F. Stika, Ph.D., Certified Angus Beef president
Read more stories from the 2021 Brand Update here.